Are you saving all that you could be on your auto insurance policy? There’s a chance you didn’t know about some discounts when you signed your policy, and you could be saving more money. Here’s a list of some discounts that you should check with your insurance agent about on your own policy. Clean Driving […]
What To Do If You Have Been Injured At Work
Accidents happen. If you have been injured at your job, there are certain things that you are entitled to, such as a recovery of lost wages and help with your medical bills. This is where workers’ compensation comes in. We’ve put together a list of steps for you to take when you have been injured […]
General Liability Insurance for New Restaurants and Coffee Shops
How can you protect your new restaurant or coffee shop from risks? Setting up your new business means taking steps to provide a service. You’ve invested in equipment, in training employees and in those well-developed recipes. You’ve spent money and time marketing. And you’ve created an establishment you are proud of. Without the right type […]
10 Questions To Ask Your Auto Insurance Company
When researching for a new car insurance policy, there are a lot of options available. So how do you know which one is right for you? We’ve come up with a list of 10 questions to ask your insurance provider as you get ready to sign a policy in order to find the best fit […]
Why Do I Need Renter’s Insurance?
Renter’s insurance is important for anyone who lives in a rental property. Whether you are the only one in the building, or one of a bunch of other families, there is a chance that something unexpected may happen at any time. Keep yourself covered by getting a policy and understanding the terms of your policy. […]
Top Tips For Lower Auto Insurance Rates
North Carolinians motorists are required to have automobile insurance in order to drive legally on the state’s roads. Those within the Raleigh area are on some of the busiest highways in North Carolina, and as such it’s important to not just ensure that you’re meeting regulatory laws, but that you also keep your vehicle as […]
Why Do I Need Renter’s Insurance in NC?
The 21st century is no longer quite as straightforward as previous centuries when it comes to living options. We now live in a world where sometimes it makes much more financial sense to rent a house, apartment or condo than it does to own one. This is especially true in the core of urban areas, […]
4 Mistakes People Make When Getting Auto Insurance
Getting auto insurance can feel incredibly stressful. The mistakes people are currently making are due to the many options in the insurance industry. If you’re looking for car insurance, then you already know that you are on the right path. In fact, in the state of North Carolina it’s required by law to have a […]
Can Anti-lock Brakes Reduce Motorcycle Accidents?
As you are looking at your motorcycle insurance policy, take into consideration whether or not you have an anti-lock braking system (ABS). The benefits of this type of braking system are so important that many of today’s newer bikes have it. And, if your motorcycle has this feature, it may mean that you can reduce […]
5 Myths About Renter’s Insurance
It’s always a great idea for anyone who rents an apartment or house to get renter’s insurance. After all, you don’t own the property itself but you do own the valuables inside it. If there is a natural disaster, if you experience theft, or even if something unusual happens (like a power surge causing damage […]