Are you saving all that you could be on your auto insurance policy? There’s a chance you didn’t know about some discounts when you signed your policy, and you could be saving more money. Here’s a list of some discounts that you should check with your insurance agent about on your own policy.
- Clean Driving Record – If you haven’t gotten any tickets lately, or you haven’t been involved in any accidents, your insurance company may take your good driving record into account.
- Good Student – Do you have a student in your house who is driving and earns good grades? Some insurance companies will rewards you for your child’s hard work. Usually a good student is a child up to age 23 or 25 who gets at least a B average. Feel free to use this as an incentive to keep your teen motivated to do well in school.
- Car Alarm – Some car insurance companies have a special discount for certain features in your car. A car alarm means that you are less likely to have your car stolen, which means you are less likely to put in an insurance claim. Use this to your advantage and ask if your company offers a discount.
- Airbags – Most cars come standard with airbags these days. But if your car does not have the latest technology, you may find yourself paying more for the same policy. It may also depend on what type of airbags you have in your car. If you just have standard airbags, you may not be able to ask for as much of a discount as if you had curtain airbags too.
- Multiple Policies – If you hold a homeowners insurance policy with the same company, they may offer you a discount on your car insurance policy. There may also be a discount if you have a lot of drivers in your family and you need a policy for each person. Ask your insurance agent how to get the most for your dollar by adding everything together.
- Parking In The Garage -If you have a garage at your home and you park in the garage regularly, you may be eligible for a discount. Parking in the garage means that your car will avoid the elements outside that tend to destroy your car’s paint, undercarriage and more. It may also help to protect your car from falling debris. Your insurance company may take that into consideration and give you a break.
- Hybrid Vehicle/Eco-Friendly – There are discounts available to people who drive eco-friendly vehicles. The government has been offering grants and extra incentives to get people to consider purchasing an eco-friendly car. This can also carry over to your insurance policy, so be sure to ask if you drive this type of car.
- Membership In An Organization – If you are a member of certain organizations, you may be eligible for a discount on your car insurance. Check your membership agreement and ask your insurance agent if any of these apply to you and your family.
- Graduating From College – Graduating from college comes with a bunch of perks. One of those might be a discount on your car insurance. Enjoy the discount while you can, because it won’t last forever.
Call Amistad Insurance today to be sure you are getting the best price on your Raleigh auto insurance policy. We’d be happy to assist you in setting up a policy that makes the most sense for you and your family, and we can look at different ways to save you money versus your current policy. Don’t keep spending more than you should!