What if you had the worst day of your life and it kept going downhill? You might think a head on collision is as bad as your day can get. But if you don’t know what to do next, the coming months may become a living hell. Fortunately, you can make the process easier with just a […]
Car Insurance
Driving Without Insurance Can Hurt More Than Your Finances. Click Here to Learn Why.
If you drive a vehicle, you must have auto insurance in order to protect yourself, your investment, and other drivers on the road. If you get caught driving without insurance, the consequences may be severe. Not only is driving with no insurance dangerous, but it can also cost you financially and possibly even in other […]
What Happens to Your Car Insurance After an Accident?
When you’ve been in a car accident, a lot of questions spring to mind. Is the other person okay? Will my car need a lot of repair work, or is this nothing more than a scratch? Should I see a doctor? It’s only after the dust settles that you think about your insurance if the […]
7 Signs You Need to Switch to a New Car Insurance Provider
40 percent of drivers don’t shop around for car insurance as often as they should. Most of us accept car insurance premiums as a fact of life and don’t think about them any further. We often stay with a company that frustrates us because we don’t know any different. The truth is, not all insurance […]
Bring Those Rates Down: Simple Ways to Save Money on Your Car Insurance
Car insurance is an expense we love to hate. But it’s a necessary part of life. In fact, there are 6 million car accidents in the U.S. each year. Without car insurance, we wouldn’t be able to recover from the financial devastation that these accidents cause. As a society, we are highly dependent on transportation […]
Car Insurance Charlotte, NC: 10 Ways to Find the Best Quote
In the state of North Carolina, there are over 7,389,467 licensed drivers. With so many drivers in the state, every one of them needs car insurance to protect their vehicle. In places like Charlotte, drivers might get overwhelmed by the many insurance companies available. However, there are ways for you to find the best car […]
How Much Car Insurance Do I Need? Your Questions, Answered
Recent statistics show that, nationwide, about 13% of motorists are uninsured. What’s often less talked about, however, is that an even greater number of motorists are underinsured. Unfortunately, drivers who are underinsured are often given a false sense of security. They usually do not realize that their insurance coverage is insufficient until they are in a collision. […]
Your Ultimate Guide to Non-Owner Car Insurance: When You Need It and How to Get It
Think of car insurance as your body armor. It’s there to protect you. Not all policies are equal so it’s vital to be sure you’re adequately insured. Accidents happen. You don’t want to end up as the defendant on an episode of ‘Judge Judy.’ If you don’t own a car but like to borrow a vehicle very […]
What are the Different Types of Auto Insurance?
With 218 million Americans holding a valid driving license, the roads are busier (and scarier) than ever before. You already know that you need reliable insurance to ensure a peace of mind for both you and your loved ones. With that said, there are many different types of auto insurance plans available in today’s market. […]
A Guide to Understanding Confusing Car Insurance Terms
Imagine reading a science article and not understanding any of the article’s vocabulary. It’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to comprehend the meaning of the article, what the author is trying to convey, the conclusion of the article, and how it affects you. The same is true of your auto insurance policy. If you can’t […]