If you are driving without insurance, know that you are making a huge mistake. Sure, you could probably skate by without facing any charges, but be wary. If law enforcement catches you driving uninsured, you could face serious consequences. Do you know someone driving without insurance, or are you out on the road taking that […]
Car Insurance
How to Get the Best Deal on Commercial Auto Insurance
The average American will spend over $1,500 on car insurance each year. For commercial car insurance, this cost can increase by a few hundred dollars. While car insurance is an important investment to protect yourself in an accident, it can be difficult to spend so much money each month on your insurance. However, many people […]
What Should You Know About Commercial Auto Insurance vs Personal?
Are you looking for ways to protect your company’s fleet from an unforeseen accident? Do you find yourself confused about which type of car insurance is right for your needs? If so, then you need to learn all you can about commercial auto insurance vs personal auto insurance. As the names would imply, one is […]
How Much Does Commercial Car Insurance Cost?
In the United States, there are over 8 million commercial vehicles on the road. From standard automobiles to trucks they are everywhere. If you’re in business and need a commercial vehicle, you have probably asked yourself, what does commercial car insurance cost? Commercial Car Insurance Cost As with all insurance, commercial car insurance cost is […]
The Commercial Auto Insurance Cost: What You Should Know
You’ve just started your small business. You’re making your first delivery using your brand new company car. With all of the excitement in the world, you get ready to turn onto the customer’s street. Then, it hits you. Literally, a car hits you. Now, your commercial vehicle is rendered useless and your customer is going […]
North Carolina Insurance Rates: How to Find Affordable Coverage
Average North Carolina car insurance rates are $734.06. It’s the 6th least expensive state in terms of premiums. Despite these lower rates, many drivers still struggle to make payments. Approximately 7.4% of drivers in North Carolina are uninsured. An insufficient personal auto insurance policy is a safety risk and comes with legal penalties. If you’ve been questioning […]
The Complete Guide to Commercial Vehicle Insurance
Are you looking for different ways to ensure your commercial fleet is protected from costly repairs? Do you want to make sure that your drivers are protected from harm in the case of an emergency? If so, then your company needs to invest in commercial vehicle insurance right away. This can help your company get […]
North Carolina Car Insurance: Requirements and Coverage
If you’re getting your license in North Carolina for the first time or relocating to the state, you may be wondering what are the requirements for North Carolina car insurance. Having the right coverage to protect yourself and others, while being legally compliant is necessary to ensure peace of mind and confidence on the road. North […]
Debunking 5 of the Most Common Misconceptions About Car Insurance
In the U.S. 91.3% of households have at least one vehicle, making travel by car one of the top modes of transportation. From going to school and work to running grocery errands, a car is every American’s companion. With cars such a prevalent part of life, you’d think everyone would be familiar with other things […]
The Consequences of Not Getting Car Insurance
It’s legally required to have car insurance to be able to drive your vehicle. You could face penalties that vary per state if you’re caught driving without proof of insurance. Some consequences include license suspension, expensive tickets or lack of financial protection in case of an accident. In North Carolina, drivers are required to have […]