The best way to avoid filing an insurance claim is to be prepared. There are some claims that happen often in the small business world and we’d rather you avoided them if possible. Here’s a list of 10 tips to help you avoid most of the common insurance claims for small businesses.
Put timers on your lights
Set up your lights to come on at different times during the night, making it look like there are people around and working late at night. If someone who is trying to break in sees that there is movement of lights inside the building, they will think that someone is there working and will be less likely to try to break in.
Keep your windows covered
Add blinds or tinted film to keep away temptation. If a would-be burglar can just see all of your items out within reach, they will be more likely to smash and grab. Adding a sight barrier can help to stop them.
Invest in an alarm system
Have one that alerts you to fire or burglary in order to keep all of your stuff safe from harm. The sooner you know something is happening, the faster you can act to protect it. Also make sure the alarms are connected right to the proper authorities. A fire alarm should automatically alert the local fire department and a burglar alarm should automatically alert the police.
Assess your flood risk
Do you live in an area where flooding is a risk? If so, be prepared to carry flood insurance. You won’t want to lose your entire business to water damage when all you needed to do was carry flood insurance. Talk with your insurance company about flood insurance and whether it is a good idea for your company.
Check for dangerous trees and limbs
Take a walk around your building and look for potential hazards that could fall or cause damage in a windstorm. Take the time now to cut down any hanging limbs or trees that look dead and avoid a potential insurance claim later.
Reduce clutter around your building
This goes for inside and outside. Protect your clients by removing any debris that might cause them to slip and fall. Secure carpets and mats, keep things like trash cans out of the way of foot traffic and make clear walking spaces for clients to move around.
Consider hiring a security guard
Depending on where you live and operate your business, it might be in your best interest to consider hiring a security guard. You can think about all day, or just at night to protect your assets and your clients.
Make sure your products are safe
If you have a product that you are trying to sell, be sure that it is safe before selling it to clients. Test it out before you sell it to make sure that it is safe and easy to use. Note any potential problems and warn customers before it become a problem, or fix the problems before putting it on the market.
Have clear instructions
Having clear instructions about your product can help to ensure that clients will know how to use and operate your product. If the product comes with clear instructions and the user fails to read them, that is more user error and you might be off the hook.
Add warning labels to packaging
If there is a need, clearly label your product with a warning label. Get any misconceptions out of the way right up front and avoid an accident down the road.
The best way to cover yourself is to always carry a Raleigh business insurance policy. If you are looking to change yours or add more coverage, call Amistad insurance today. We can help you go over your coverage and find the best plan for you and your business.