Companies that employs drivers should have comprehensive Raleigh commercial auto insurance. This insurance provides protection to the business should the driver cause an accident that leads to injury or property loss. With the right business insurance, companies can minimize many of the financial risks.
However, companies can also to take steps to reduce the pressures on drivers. This will lead to less risk.
What Pressure Do Your Drivers Face?
All drivers face pressures on the job. These drivers may be delivery professionals. They may be individuals who go from one client to the next. Commercial insurance can help if your drivers have commercial driver certification or are just transporting themselves to and from various locations. You need commercial auto insurance to keep your assets safe and your liability risks low.
It also pays to reduce as many of the pressures on these drivers as possible. To do this, consider these areas of high risk.
- Time delays are often the leading cause of speeding. When scheduling appointments or shipments, plan for extra travel time to reduce the desire to speed. This can significantly reduce accident risks.
- Ensure drivers have ample time off between trips or over extended periods of time. One way to do this is to track when the vehicle is in operation. Are your drivers pushing too many hours behind the wheel? Does this mean they are putting themselves at a higher risk for accidents?
- Show the value of accident-free drivers. Work with your team to ensure they have the best possible skills on the job. Then, reward those drivers that consistently take steps to remain safe behind the wheel.
Many times, companies see faster shipments or more appointments as more profitable.
However, it can take just one claim against a business from an accident to limit profitability. Your business insurance can help cover some of these costs. But, reducing stress behind the wheel is even more valuable to your employees and to your company.
How can you improve the amount of pressure you place on your drivers? What are some of your tips for keeping your drivers safe? Comment below.