Are you considering whether or not you need car insurance if you don’t have a license? Perhaps you have hired someone to drive you around in your own car. If so, then you need to learn how to get car insurance without a license.
Doing so can help ensure that you’re protected in the event of a crash. Even if you aren’t the one driving, you should make sure that your assets (your car) are protected from financial loss.
See below for an in-depth guide on how to get auto insurance without a license and why it might be advantageous for you to do so.
Why You Need Car Insurance Without a License
You might be wondering “why do I even need car insurance if I’m not the one that will be driving the car?” This is actually much more common than you would think.
Believe it or not, you might still be required to have car insurance even if you don’t have a driver’s license to your name. So, what could those scenarios possibly entail?
First, perhaps you are a parent that has bought your child a car with the intention of them being able to drive it after they get their license. While they don’t currently have a license, they will so. In any case, you want to keep legal control of the vehicle, which requires you to have insurance coverage.
Maybe you no longer have your license due to poor eyesight or a disability that prohibits you from driving yourself. In that case, you might have a family member or a chauffeur drive you around.
Even if they’re driving the car, if you own the vehicle, you need to purchase auto insurance. If you’re unsure whether you’re required to have coverage or not, be sure to reach out to a trusted auto insurance provider for more advice.
How Can I Buy Car Insurance Without a License?
Here’s the question of the hour: how can you buy car insurance if you don’t have a driver’s license? The answer depends on why you don’t have a license in the first place. See below for a bit more insight depending on your situation.
1. Buy Coverage With Someone Else as a Primary Driver
Perhaps you’re in a situation like the one listed above where you’re having someone else be the frequent driver of your car. If that’s the case, you still want to make sure your vehicle is protected in the event of a crash.
If that’s the case, then you’re still able to purchase a policy. You can list whoever will be driving you around most often as the primary driver of the car.
There aren’t any regulations or requirements of the primary driver that you list. As long as they themselves have a valid driver’s license, they don’t have to be a certain age, live at a certain address, have a clean driving history, or any of that.
However, to secure the policy, you’ll need to hand the provider your driver’s ID and their consent to place their name down.
2. Search for SR-22 Insurance
Mistakes happen. Once that driving mistake has been made (such as a DUI) then there’s nothing you can do but move forward with your life.
Fortunately, you’re still able to receive an SR-22, which is specialized insurance coverage for those that have been convicted of a serious driving crime. This allows you to retain your ability to drive even after those crimes have been committed.
If you fit this category, you might need to shop around a bit. Only certain insurance companies are willing to take on such a risk.
3. Invest in Parked Car Insurance
Imagine the horror of waking up one day to find that the car that you purchased for your child, which was parked on the street in front of your house, had been hit overnight. The only reason you didn’t have insurance is that your child doesn’t have their license yet.
Because you didn’t have any auto insurance on the car, you’re left to pay those damages out of pocket (assuming no one admitted to fault).
Be sure to invest in a parked car policy. This will protect the car, even if it isn’t being driven, from theft, damage, fires, and anything else that can happen.
Should You Have Insurance Without a License?
The short answer is “absolutely”. Driver’s license or not, you never know when disaster can stumble upon your car. Whether it was in motion or not, having car insurance protects you from that damage and from taking a financial loss.
You need to view your car as an asset. While you might not currently have a license to drive it yourself, it still holds significant value.
Your primary driver’s car insurance won’t cover any damage to your car. You need to make sure that the vehicle has money backed behind it in case of an emergency. The amount that you need depends on your situation, so be sure to ask an auto insurance expert for more insight on that.
Invest in the Auto Insurance You Need
Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on how to get car insurance without a license, be sure to use it to your advantage. This isn’t something you should continue to put off.
Instead, take the time to read this article for more information on why you shouldn’t skip auto insurance and the costly repercussions of doing so.
For more inquiries, please be sure to reach out via our contact us page and we will be happy to assist you further.