Your life insurance cost can vary greatly depending on your lifestyle. If you’re a smoker, you could pay hundreds of dollars more per month depending on your age. Other factors, like age, illness, and body mass index can all increase your insurance prices.
You might not know that a simple selfie can play a huge role in the price of your insurance. But it can: the problem isn’t taking your selfie, it’s what your selfie can say about you. Read on for more information about your selfies and how they can change your premiums.
What a Selfie Says About Your Life Insurance Cost
Life insurance providers need a lot of information to provide you with a premium. Just like high-risk drivers have more expensive car insurance, somebody who is older or in bad health will have more expensive life insurance.
They need to know everything from your age and weight to whether or not you exercise or skydive. When all of your lifestyle factors are taken into account, you can have a policy priced for your needs.
This usually involves a medical exam, but there are other ways to gain information about a person’s life insurance risks. One of the most popular ways to do this is through something called the Lapetus Process.
The Lapetus process is popular because it lets customers get insurance fast. If you have to take a medical exam, it could take over a month to analyze the data and calculate your life insurance cost. Comparatively, by using this process, you can find the cost of your life insurance in ten minutes or less.
It starts when you upload a picture. The software starts analyzing hundreds of points on your face. Using this information, it can calculate how quickly you’re aging, your body mass index, and your physiological age.
There’s a lot of information on your face: this process takes advantage of that fact to make applying for life insurance easier and less invasive.
So, when we say that a selfie can increase your life insurance cost, we don’t mean that you should stop taking selfies. Unless the selfies you take are at the top of the Empire State Building or in the middle of a crowded intersection, your life insurance costs will not increase because you took a selfie.
We simply mean that there’s a lot of information on your face. And it’s about time the insurance industry took advantage of that fact.
Get Insurance in North Carolina
If you live in North Carolina and want life insurance, we provide high-quality plans at an affordable price. And that’s not all we provide.
Auto insurance, home insurance, business insurance, and more can all be found from us. We take pride in having your best interests at heart: we want to provide the best policies at the best price for you and your family.
So if you want to get great life insurance, get a quote today!