Are you tired of paying higher monthly premiums than you think are necessary? Do you feel that the customer service with your current provider has worsened over the years? If so, then it might be time for you to switch commercial auto insurance.
Doing so can help you find coverage that’s beneficial for your business. There’s also customer service and price to consider, so switching commercial auto insurance plans can help you save significant money over time.
See below for several signs that it’s time for you to reach out to a different North Carolina insurance provider and switch commercial auto insurance plans.
1. Your Monthly Premiums are Sky-High
Like any small business, you have a company budget to stick to. If your current provider has raised your premiums over the years, then your budget has seen less and less wiggle room.
Most providers will do it for no reason at all. In fact, they might attempt to raise your premiums without notifying you of the chances.
Take the time to look at your previous statements. If you notice that the premiums are out of your budget, then it’s time to readjust. You need to look for a commercial auto insurance provider that understands the needs of small businesses in North Carolina.
A trustworthy commercial auto insurance provider will be happy to help you find something more beneficial for your budgetary constraints.
There are also a few ways you can reduce those monthly premiums by a notable amount. First, ask the new insurance provider for a higher deductible. While you’ll end up paying more to kickstart the coverage during an emergency, you can use the money you save on your monthly premiums to cover the emergency.
You might also be able to bundle if you invest in other commercial insurance policies such as business owner’s policy, general liability insurance, or workers’ compensation.
2. You Don’t Understand Your Coverage
If you’ve been using big-name insurance companies for your company’s insurance policies, then you have been working with representatives that only have one job: sell.
Most of them fly by the seat of their pants. Even they don’t understand the terms of the commercial auto insurance you’re investing in. They just know how to read off a script and adjust the numbers to make it more appealing.
If you don’t fully understand your commercial vehicle insurance policy’s coverage, then it’s time to find a new provider.
Here at Amistad Insurance Services, we’re passionate about our work. We strive to inform all our clients on what commercial auto insurance is, what it covers, and how it can benefit you.
We will listen to your business operations and the biggest struggles you’re having with your current provider. We’ll also identify some of the pressing needs you have for coverage and create a policy that gives you all the protection you need at a budget-friendly price.
Commercial auto insurance should cover things like:
- Comprehensive Physical Damage
- Property Damage
- Collision Coverage
- Combined Single Limit
- Uninsured Motorists & More
We’ll help you understand each of these terms and how coverage for them can benefit your business during an emergency.
3. You’re Frustrated With the Service
Coverage isn’t the only thing that matters in commercial auto insurance. There are certain things that a low price can’t make up for, and poor customer service is one of them.
Imagine the horror of finding out that one of your workers was involved in an accident with one of your commercial vehicles, then talking with an insurance rep that’s unknowledgeable or unresponsive.
When you call your current provider, do they take the time to answer your questions? Are they knowledgeable on the terms of your coverage? Are they respectful or rude when they speak with you?
You deserve exceptional customer support. Reach out to a new commercial auto insurance provider to get the customer service that you’ve come to expect from a professional insurance provider.
4. It’s Time to Renew Your Policy
There comes a time every year or 6 months (depending on which you chose) when your current commercial auto insurance policy will expire.
When that happens, your policy will be renewed. If you aren’t keeping an eye on it, many providers will try to renew the policy without much warning.
If it’s getting close to the time for you to renew your policy, it makes sense to see what else is out there for you. Reach out to another provider to see if they offer more competitive premiums, coverage, deductibles, and the like.
5. Your Fleet is Growing
As your business grows, so too will your commercial vehicle fleet. Whenever you add to your commercial auto fleet, you need to seek additional coverage to prepare for an emergency.
It’s worth taking the time to reach out to a new provider and see if your employees need coverage when they drive your fleet as well.
Reaching out to a different provider can help you make more sense of your growth. That way, you’re protecting the integrity of your fleet and not leaving it up to chance. We’ll help you make sure that your coverage is compliant with federal and North Carolina state laws.
Switch Your Commercial Auto Insurance Coverage Today
Now that you have seen several telltale signs that you need to switch commercial auto insurance coverage, be sure to use this information wisely.
Take the time to read this article for more information on the difference between commercial and personal auto insurance policies.
For more inquiries, please be sure to reach out via our contact us page. We look forward to helping you find your new commercial auto insurance plan!