If you have a new driver in your household, you are probably thinking about how expensive this new endeavor might end up for you. Luckily there are a few ways that you can help your new driver save money on their car insurance policy. Encourage your teen to take these steps to help your wallet as they head out with new privileges.
Send Them To Driver’s Ed
Most insurance companies offer a discount to new drivers who attend a driver’s education class. They are schooled on the rules of the road and are therefore less likely to become a hazard. Insurance companies see that as less liability to them and are willing to offer a discount on your new driver’s insurance policy. It is true that you may have to pay for driver’s education, but if your teen continues with a good driving record, it will be worth the money in the long run.
Get Good Grades
Not only do good grades get you on your way to a good college, but they can also save you money on your car insurance policy. Car insurance companies see kids who get good grades as those who pay attention and study. Drivers who pay attention and study the road are more likely to have a clean driving record. Teens who get in trouble a lot at school and are not as concerned with their grades might be more likely to break the rules, and are therefore labeled as an insurance liability.
Avoid Getting A New Car
While the safety features are great in a new car, the insurance rates are sky high. It may be more efficient to purchase your new driver a slightly used model, keeping your insurance rates down lower. Don’t invest in a clunker that has a chance of breaking down and leaving your new driver stranded on the side of the road. Instead, pick a model that is a few years off the lot and has only had one previous owner. You can still purchase a used model through a dealership, or you can search the local classified ads for a good deal.
If you are searching for an auto insurance policy for your new driver, Amistad Insurance has just the one for you. Contact us today so that we can help you find the perfect policy for your whole family. We’ve been in the business long enough to know how to help you save money on your Raleigh auto insurance policy and get the most for your dollar.