Collision and comprehensive are two portions of your auto insurance policy that many get somewhat mixed up. It’s important to learn just what collision covers, and what comprehensive covers, and how these relate to any type of accident you may find your vehicle in. Some situations that you can expect to be covered under the collision portion of your auto insurance policy are:
- The vehicle is rear ended while in traffic
- The vehicle is hit by another car while driving through an intersection
- The vehicle hits a large pothole
- The vehicle is being driven through a car wash and is damaged by an object
While these are just some of the types of situations covered under collision, looking at them all can allow you to see a pattern. Collision insurance is what your vehicle will be covered under if you are driving or operating the vehicle actively, and this operation is the cause, when any sort of collision occurs. Whether you’re hit by another car, as in the instance of a rear-end accident or accident in an intersection, or hit by an object while driving, like with the drive-through car wash, collision will cover the damages your car endures as you’re driving it.
Comprehensive coverage is a little different, and some of the situations that may be covered under the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy are:
- Vehicle is damaged by a hail storm
- Vehicle hits or is hit by an animal
- The vehicle is damaged by a nearby fire
- The vehicle experiences a flooded engine after driving through a puddle
- Vehicle is damaged due to coming into contact with falling objects
- The vehicle is damaged through a nearby civil commotion
With your comprehensive coverage, you’ll also see a pattern. Even during times when you’re operating the vehicle, such as in the instance of hitting an animal, the collision is caused not be the vehicle’s operation but by an outside source that is not another driver. With comprehensive coverage, your vehicle is also covered against these damages by outside sources when your vehicle is parked, like in the case of damage by a nearby fire.
Both comprehensive and collision coverage are equally important in protecting your vehicle, and we want to help to make sure you’re covered as you need to be. If you need a Raleigh auto insurance quote, or you have questions about the coverage you already have, simply contact us at Amistad Insurance Services today at 919.926.7166.