Car insurance is a vital element to car ownership. But if you’ve just put down a lot of money for a new car—or even a used one!—you might be feeling a little stressed at the thought of monthly insurance payments. This is not something you can skip, though. North Carolina motor vehicle law requires you to have insurance to protect you, your passengers, your vehicle, and any other involved parties in the event of an accident. The minimum coverage requirements are $30,000 bodily injury per person, $60,000 total bodily injury for all persons in an accident, and $25,000 for property damage.
As you shop around for car insurance, it first helps to understand what factors affect your rate.
- Your driving record. You are considered higher risk if you’ve gotten into accidents before.
- Your location. In general, urban areas have more claims than rural areas
- Your gender and your age. Certain age groups tend to have more claims, and generally males have more accidents than females.
- Your marital status. If you’re unmarried, you’re out of luck here! Married people tend to have lower rates of claim.
- Prior insurance coverage. If you failed to make payments on your premiums from previous policies, this can negatively impact your rate.
- Vehicle use. A higher annual mileage means you have a higher risk.
- The make and model of your vehicle. As you might expect, luxury and sports cars get higher rates of claim.
While you can’t affect some of these factors, there are some small things you can do to try and get the lowest premium possible on your auto insurance.
Take A Driver Education Course
While you can’t turn back time and be a safer driver in retrospect, you can prove to insurance companies that you are committed to lowering your risk on the road. By enrolling in a course and passing with great results, your agent may be able to lower your premium.
Get An Anti-Theft Device
Insurance isn’t just about covering car accidents, it also protects theft and damage. If you have taken steps to make it harder for someone to break into and/or steal your car or belongings inside of it, you may qualify for a better rate.
Ask About An Auto/Home Package Deal
Not all insurance agencies will offer packages, but you could be rewarded for giving the bulk of your insurance business to one agency. Inquire about package rates.
If you’re shopping around for Raleigh auto insurance and wanting to get the lowest possible premium, get a quote today from Amistad Insurance Services.