The back to school season is here, and that means you are about to see a big increase in the amount of buses on the road. And with the school buses comes kids. It is important that we take the rules of the road seriously, especially when there are kids involved.
Don’t Drive Around The Bus
When the school bus puts on the flashing lights, be sure that you obey the rules. Do not try to pass any school buses when they are stopped and boarding children. Kids can be very unpredictable and you never know when one of them is going to dart out in front of the bus as you are driving by. As annoying as it is to get stuck behind the school bus on your morning commute, don’t put lives in danger by ignoring the warning lights.
Slow Down For School Zones
Do you regularly pass through any school zones? Be sure to note the sudden drop in the speed limit. This is a safety measure to make sure that there aren’t any kids of staff members crossing the road to get to the school. Hopefully you won’t see anyone outside in the road, but it is an easy place to get a ticket if you don’t pay attention to the signs and keep going right through the zone at your normal speed.
Watch Out For Bus Stops
In the morning, and in the afternoon, kids tend to congregate at the side of the road for bus stops. They can be very unpredictable, and sometimes will take a step (or two) into the road. Stay focused on the road if you are driving during bus route times for any extra activity on the side of the road. You don’t want to be cruising along and have a child step off the curb right in front of your car.
Avoid an accident by staying aware of your surroundings this school year. Amistad Insurance has you covered for all of your back to school insurance needs. If you are looking to save money on your current Raleigh auto policy, start the year off with us. All it takes is a phone call to find out what you could be saving.